Fit Shape Fettarm 30 Capsules

450,00 EGP

فيت شيب فيتارم 30 كبسولة

حبوب فيت شيب 30 ك fit shape من فيتارم

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Fit Shape Fettarm 30 Capsules, often used for slimming purposes, are derived from the root of the konjac plant (Amorphophallus konjac).
The primary active ingredient in konjac capsules is glucomannan, a water-soluble fiber known for its potential to promote weight loss. Here are some properties associate with konjac capsules for slimming

Fit Shape Fettarm 30 Capsules

Konjac capsules are typically made from natural materials, specifically the konjac plant. Also Glucomannan is extracte from the konjac root and processe into supplement form.

Glucomannan Content

Glucomannan is a type of soluble fiber that can absorb water and form a gel-like substance. This can contribute to a feeling of fullness, potentially reducing appetite and calorie intake.

Appetite Suppression

One of the primary proposed mechanisms of konjac capsules is appetite suppression. The glucomannan in these capsules may expand in the stomach, creating a feeling of fullness, which may lead to reduced food intake.

Weight Loss Support

Some studies suggest that glucomannan supplementation may support weight loss efforts by promoting a sense of fullness and potentially reducing overall calorie consumption.

Gradual Improvement

The claim that improvement begins to appear after two weeks of use may vary among individuals. It’s important to note that individual responses to supplements can differ, and factors such as diet and exercise also play crucial roles in weight management.

Read more: Types of cartilage and their functions From A To Z

Package Size

Konjac slimming packages commonly contain 30 capsules, indicating a one-month supply if taken as directed. It’s essential to follow the recommended dosage provided by the manufacturer or healthcare professional.

Hydration Recommendation

Since glucomannan absorbs water, it’s typically recommende to take konjac capsules with a large glass of water to help prevent potential choking or gastrointestinal issues.


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