Fettarm 40 Capsules

450,00 EGP

فيتارم للتخسيس 40 كبسولة

فيتارم الجديد المدور للتخسيس fettarm 40

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  • fettarm للتخسيس للمساعدة على التخلص من الدهون المتكتلة والمخزنة كما تزيد معدل الحرق بالجسم وتمنع امتصاص الدهون من الطعام للجسم مرة أخرى.
  • تحتوي العبوة على 40 كبسولة.
  • انتاج شركة فيتارم الألمانية.

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It seems like you’ve provided information about a new product called “Fettarm 40 Capsules” which appears to be a weight loss supplement produced by the German company Vitarm. Here’s a brief summary based on the information you provided:

Product Name: Fettarm 40 Capsules

Manufacturer: Vitarm, a German company

Fettarm 40 Capsules

Slimming Formula:Fettarm 40 Capsules is designed to help individuals achieve a slim figure by targeting accumulate and stored fat.

  • Cellulite Reduction: The capsules claim to assist in achieving a slim figure without leaving traces of sagging or cellulite.
  • Also Alternative to Surgery: Vitarm presents Fettarm as an alternative to surgical interventions like gastric sleeve surgery for weight loss.
  • Fat Burning: The product aims to increase the body’s burning rate of stored fat.
  • Also Fat Absorption Prevention: Fettarm 40 is said to prevent the body from reabsorbing fat from food.
  • Package Contents: Each package contains 40 capsules.
  • Also It’s important to note that while supplements like these may be available in the market, individual results can vary, and it’s advisable for users to consult with healthcare professionals before starting any new weight loss regimen or taking supplements. 
  • Additionally, the efficacy and safety of such products may depend on various factors, including individual health conditions and lifestyles.

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Fettarm 40 Components

  • Dietary Fiber (10 gm): Dietary fiber is known for promoting a feeling of fullness, which can help control appetite and contribute to weight management. It also supports digestive health.
  • Also Chromium (150 micrograms): Chromium is a mineral that plays a role in insulin function and may contribute to the regulation of blood sugar levels. 
  • Sodium (60 mg): Sodium is an essential electrolyte that helps regulate fluid balance in the body.


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