Twister Slim Herbal Max 30 Capsules

400,00 EGP

تويستر هيربال ماكس للتخسيس 30 كبسولة

كبسولات تويستر للتخسيس

  • للتخلص من 8 ل 11 كيلو شهريا.
  • تساعد كبسولات تويستر للتخسيس لزيادة معدل حرق الدهون.
  • كبسولات twister slim تحسن عملية التمثيل الغذائي بالجسم.
  • تحتوي العبوة على 30 كبسولة.
  • انتاج شركة هيربال ماكس.


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Twister Slim Herbal Max 30 Capsules.. It’s important to approach weight loss products with caution, especially those that make bold claims about their effectiveness. The description you provided for Twister Slimming Capsules sounds like a typical marketing message for a weight loss supplement.

While these claims may sound appealing, it’s crucial to note that the effectiveness and safety of such products can vary, and some may have adverse effects on health.

Twister Slim Herbal Max 30 Capsules

  • Chromium: Chromium is a trace mineral that plays a role in insulin regulation. 
  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract: Garcinia cambogia is a tropical fruit that contains hydroxycitric acid (HCA), which is believed to inhibit an enzyme that helps the body store fat. 
  • Hawthorn Extract: Hawthorn is often used for cardiovascular health and may have some potential benefits for blood pressure and cholesterol. 
  • Pineapple Compound: Pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that may aid digestion. 

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Benefits of Twister slimming capsules – Twister Slim

Twister pills contain pineapple extract as the second main active ingredient, and it works to slim the abdominal area specifically.

  • What affects belly fat the most is burning protein specifically, and because this represents a challenge to the nature of our body, losing belly fat becomes one of the most difficult areas in losing weight.
  • Twister, the most powerful weight loss drug, helps you get rid of stubborn belly fat because the pineapple compound contains an element called bromelain, which stimulates the body to burn protein and thus forces the body to burn belly fat.
  • Twister slimming capsules contain garcinia extract, which suppresses appetite and increases the body’s burning rate.


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